KryptoKloud – On the Move

On 12th February 2020, KryptoKloud was very proud to announce the opening of its brand new bespoke Security Operations Centre (SOC) in the Boole Technology Centre. It was specifically designed to cater for an increase in demand of our cyber security and intelligence services and products. However, six weeks later the country was thrown into a nationwide lockdown that saw our operations being conducted remotely. Needless to say, it was business as normal for KryptoKloud, our services were effectively delivered, and indeed new products were developed over the preceding months. Just over a year ago when the SOC manning was increasing it became very apparent that it would be unable to sustain the rate of growth, especially in being able to accommodate the increased number of cyber analysts operating 24/7/365.

Therefore, with a nearby brownfield site being cleared for Phase Two of the Lincoln Science and Innovation Park and foundations being laid for the new Alchemy Building an opportunity arose to relocate. With twice the existing floor space available on the top floor, the decision was made to move and on Monday 25th October, KryptoKloud will receive the keys to unlock its next chapter. Selected internal fabricators and associated tradespeople will then be given the green light to proceed to fit out the new offices that will include a 24 position SOC, a great new kitchen/rest area, increased offices space, reception area, conference room, server room, a dedicated incident response capability room and of course office for the CEO and MD, but not forgetting a ‘Peleton’ room and shower facility.

The team at KryptoKloud are very excited with what lays ahead; working and conducting operations from a ‘state of the art’ cyber security environment and being able to take the company to yet another level that will significantly improve our capabilities and effectiveness.

That’s enough to whet your appetite for now, look out for the announcement of the grand opening.


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